Mexico AIP Charts package includes the whole AIP published by Mexico navigation agency SENEAM, including all controlled airports and other minor uncontrolled airports. This package is designed to be used only with ForeFlight app in your iPad. You must have a valid subscription with ForeFlight in order to use this product.
Included with any of the product variations, there is a fee that must be collected by SENEAM agency. This fee is included in the price listed. With your purchase, an official government receipt will be issued as a proof of official purchase. It is recommended to carry this receipt with you anytime that you operate an aircraft within Mexico. Authorities may ask for it. Please be advised that for this receipt to be issued, the information in your account will be used. Make sure you purchase the product filling in all and accurate information corresponding either your person or a company for which the subscription will be purchased
This service is updated with the AIRAC calendar scheduled every 28 days. You will have to update the charts package manually in your iPad using a quick and fast procedure. You can become familiar with this procedure by watching the generic update tutorial video for the charts package in our tutorial section.
Mexico AIP Current Cycle Information:
- AIRAC 01/25
- Effective Date: 23/01/25
- Latest Supplement: 75/24
Next AIRAC Cycle Update: 22/02/25
This package is divided in 2 volumes.
Included with this content pack is volume 1 which is viewable in the Custom Content section of ForeFlight as documents and contains the following:
- GEN – General (Part 1)
- ENR – Enroute (Part 2)
- AD – Aerodromes (Part 3)
- AIC – Aeronautical Information Circulars
- SUP – Supplements
Included in volume 2 are the the aerodrome charts for AD (Part 3) which are viewable in each airport details page. Most of these charts are georeferenced, meaning that you can view your position in the chart or superpose them in the map. It includes the following chart types for each airport that has them available:
- AD – Aerodrome Information
- ADC – Aerodrome Charts
- PDC – Parking and Docking Charts
- GMC – Ground Movement Charts
- AOC – Aerodrome Obstacle Type A & B Charts
- ARC – Area Charts for each TMA
- ATCSMAC – ATC Surveillance Minimum Altitudes Charts
- SID – Standard Instrument Departure Procedure Charts
- STAR – Standard Arrival Procedure Charts
- IAC – Instrument Approach Procedure Charts
- VAC – VFR Approach and Procedures Charts
A map layer is included to display all VFR procedures for México in the ForeFlight map. You will find it at the bottom in the right column of the layer selection pane titled Mexico VFR Proc.
Countries or geographical zones included in this charts package:
- Mexico
- iPad with a valid ForeFlight subscription.
- Approximately 700 MB of free space.
The complete content of this charts package in included in a single file easy to install into ForeFlight.
Included with this product you will have all Mexico VFR navigation WAC charts (Scale 1:500,000) divided in 5 geografical areas and a total of 30 VFR Navigation Area Charts for most important airports. These charts are provided in a separate file which is revised every 6 months matching AIRAC dates.
Mexico Navigation Charts Current Cycle Information:
- Revision 2
- Effective Date: 03/10/24
Next AIRAC Cycle Update: 20/03/25
Requirements for VFR Navigation Charts:
- iPad with a valid ForeFlight subscription.
- Approximately 2 GB of free space.
- Fast internet connection just for downloading the required files. No internet connection needed once loaded in ForeFlight.
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